Sunday, September 18, 2011

Rest and Random Excursions

September 17th

Today was a relaxing day, a day without having any tours or expenditures to entertain us. We made a raspberry biscuit cake from scratch and I am looking forward to tasting it tomorrow. In the afternoon Bettina and I had some ice cream with Dominic, Christian, and Bettina’s mom. There was a lot of ice cream for one serving, even when splitting with Bettina, I became quite full. After ice cream Bettina and I went on a lovely walk by a river then met up with Melli to go to Cantinas. Walking back to Melli’s house the sky lit up with lightning, or I guess the German word for it is ‘der Blitz’. At one point we went under a bridge and it was all graffiti-ed, so to escape from the rain we stayed there for a little while. Once at Melli’s house we made plans for tomorrow and then Bettina and I had to head back in the rain and darkness on our bicycles getting back quite wet.  
Christian, Dominic, Birgit, and Bettina at Dolomiti (ice cream place)

Bettina, Melli, and me at Cantinas

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