Tuesday, September 6, 2011


My feet
Radiating heat
As one by one the treads of my sneakers take turns
Crunching the gravel below them
The summer sun
Blazing on to the trail that I take
Casting shades on what was once an even ground
A silent friend forms next to me
We are joined at the feet
The air grows thick
Pungent with blackberries, evergreens, and lavender
Which beckons me from my path
Taking few but worthy breaks
As the ripened berries land on my tongue
Energizing me to continue my run
Cows gathering under the shadows
Attempting to escape the heat
Gaze at me with lazy glances
As I near the place so dear to my heart
That makes me think ‘home’
The air that’s sweet
The warmth
The light
All whisper to my soul of past adventures
Under the summer sun
And reminds me to look forward
To my adventures yet to come

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