Monday, September 19, 2011

Ich bin nass weil es regnet!

September 18th

Standing in front of the Amerikahaus (beige building) in Munich
Museum Day! After a night of rain with thunder and lightning, the wet weather persisted throughout the day; perfect weather for visiting museums which cost only a Euro to enter on Sundays. Thomas, Bettina’s brother, gave us a ride to the train station where we met up with Melli one stop later. We got off the subway to catch a tram, which was unfortunately closed due to Oktoberfest, but what we found right next to the tram stop was an Oktoberfest parade!!! It was just wonderful seeing everyone all dressed up in their Dirndels and Lederhosen as bands marched forth with a vibrant zest. It kept raining and was eventually the factor that made us decide to catch another train in the subway. 
One of the many horse drawn wagons
The Pinakothek der Moderne museum was definitely interesting and a great way to escape the rain. The rest of the afternoon, Bettina and I kind of took as a down day. For dinner, Bettina and I made bratwurst and fries that we spiced with paprika… I realized also that the potato peeler was intended for right handed people, it doesn’t necessarily work for both.  Till next time! 
Bettina and Melli
at the parade!

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