Sunday, June 17, 2012

Parting is Such Sweet Sorrow

16th of June

This week has been one goodbye after another.

On Monday, I finally managed to skype with my mum after about two months of not really being able to get a hold of her. I was so excited to finally talk with her as she told me that she had lots to catch me up on. Unfortunately one of my biggest fears while studying abroad came true when my mom informed me that my Grandma Doris passed away during the time of my exams in May. The past month I was planning on calling my grandma through skype but never really got around to it as I wasn’t able to reach my parents for the phone number- now I will never be able to. I always have looked forward to receiving packages from my grandma, because she sent the most random things to show that she was thinking of me. One of the last things she sent me was a slow cooker that needed an international adapter to function in the UK; she wasn’t planning on me bringing it back to the states but thought I could use it on my year abroad. Along with the slow cooker were two boxes of tea, one of which I discovered some of the teas were already tested/tasted for approval, it is kind of hard finding herbal teas in Southampton so it really hit the spot and made me feel at home. My housemates were great in being there for me and trying to cheer me up, we ended up watching Kinky Boots (one of my favourite films) to keep my mind off of things. 

On Wednesday, my housemate, Alec, pretty much spent his last night with us before he moves out. On the plus side of things though, I will be able to see him a few more times before I leave home so it wasn’t quite yet time for goodbyes. 

Yesterday I went with Rich to visit his friend who he calls Scatty and her new Labrador puppy named Occy to walk in Brockenhurst. It was quite refreshing as I haven’t been out too much since Ireland. Later that night I went to The Hobbit to spend time with my University of Washington compadre, Ashley, during her last night in the UK. It was a good night in being able to see a good gathering of friends and enjoy each other’s presence. This morning, Matt, Naomi, and I, went early to the bus station to surprise Ashley. While waiting Sami (my other UW compadre) coincidentally was at the station to buy a bus ticket for the airport for when she heads home on Monday. 

I still need to get my plane ticket home and will hopefully do so within the next few days,  but it really is sad parting with Ashley and Sami as it reminds me the reality that I will be heading back soon as well.
It has been a bit of a rough week but hopefully once we encounter some summer weather, aka sun, then it will help me look on the brighter side of life as I finish my time here in the UK.

1 comment:

  1. I'm so sorry to read this, Adrian! I hope you are doing alright now. Enjoy your last days in Europe! Many hugs.
