Sunday, June 17, 2012

Kilmainhan Gaol and Our Last Day in Ireland

5th of June

Woke up and beat the masses to breakfast, turns out that the masses never showed up. Then around 10:45 am I ended up going on my run, 4th country in Europe!! 

After that I watched part of the Diamond Jubilee with Chris in the T.V. lounge area while Sami and Logan napped. When we couldn’t spend any more of our day in the youth hostel we woke up the two sleeping beauties and headed off to see the prison, Kilmainhan Gaol. The tour was so engrossing the stories of the prisoners were just fascinating. During its time when it was a working prison it didn’t take much to be arrested, even 5 year olds were being arrested for stealing a piece of bread. Around the turn of the twentieth century prisoners were being fed and had a roof over their heads meanwhile outside of prison people were suffering from the potato famine and being kicked out of their homes – in other words prison wasn’t looking so bad as an option. People would purposely commit crimes in order to get in jail. There were political rebellions happening during the beginnings of the twentieth century resulting in public hangings. The people who were executed at this time had some interesting stories. For instance, Joseph Plunkett and Mary Plunkett were married one day before Joseph was to be shot by firing squad.

After the museum, we went to the most gorgeous gardens that I have seen (in Ireland possibly even including Europe). The gardens were outside of the Royal Hospital/ Modern Art Museum. It had statues and a fountain. Hedges bordered the walkways that formed a symmetrical pattern through the estate. Sami said it looked like it came out of Alice and Wonderland. We had lunch around 3pm in a pub across from the prison, and after getting a few more souvenirs we headed back where Chris made us BBQ chicken and pasta with peas. I went and pre-packed my bag for the early leave the next morning and joined Sami, Chris, and Logan for one last evening out on the town in Dublin.  

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