Sunday, October 9, 2011

The Limitations of Being Under 21

October 9, 2011

Had a lovely skype conversation with my dear friend, Cecilia, and it looks like I will be spending Christmas in Sweden! Now I just need to find a good deal on tickets. 

Once I was finished with my run within Riverside Park, Sami and I went off to IKEA. After experiencing my first week of classes I decided it was about time to invest in a cutting board and cutlery so I could prepare dinners that do not come from a can. IKEA as usual was a zoo, wandering through the crowds I found a few other things like scissors and note pads for my numerous ‘to do’ lists. Standing in line at the register it was finally my turn. Everything was going swimmingly when suddenly the clerk asked to see my ID. I was a bit confused as to why I needed to have my ID checked when I wasn’t buying alcohol or any real dangerous item that I could see. He looked at it for a while a bit confused, since it was a Washington State driver’s license; when finally he told me that I could not buy the small kitchen knives since I was under 21. What on Earth?!?! Sure I could buy alcohol in this country, pretty much have access to anywhere in the city, but to purchase some kitchen cutlery so I could cook for myself was out of the question… this is really a backwards society in terms of purchasing knives! The scissors didn’t require me to be 21 either. None the less, it looked like my new cutting board was going to be lonely until December. Luckily Sami asked the clerk if she could buy them since she is 22. The clerk agreed, and Sami went to the back of the long line with my knives in hand. After I was done being checked-out, the clerk said it was alright if Sami went to the front of the line to get the knives. There! We finally purchased my knives and I reimbursed her for them, but no way was I going to complete the deal within IKEA. I felt like I was doing a drug deal or something, but over kitchen knives. I decided to get them from her later. 

Wandering through another grocery store, ASDAS, we finished our grocery shopping for the day. Running to the bus stop we got there and the bus was sitting there, a guy in a similar situation as us had knocked on the door, but the driver continued to look straight ahead and then drove off without us. Well that’s a double decker bus driver for you! We waited another 15 minutes to catch the next bus heading to Wessex Lane. Once aboard on the 2nd level, Sami and I completed our dirty deal and I finally was in possession of my kitchen knives. 

Back in Montefiore D block, I put my new kitchenware to work and made my first decent meal of rice and broccoli with Mae Ploy sauce. My flat mates, Debbie and Iris, joined me in the kitchen and I was able to enjoy a little of Iris’s stir fry pasta (it was the spirally kind of noodles) and Debbie’s spinach curried lentils with a bread that is like naan bread that she made herself! I really need to learn how Debbie makes such scrumptious meals. 
Yay! The beginnings of my acquisition of culinary skills

Debbie and her amazing spinach curried lentils!

A really good dinner- if you are wondering


Hillwalking in the New Forest (in Brockenhurst.)

October 8, 2011

My day began waking up to meet with Sami at 8:30AM so we could catch a train that left central station at 9:50AM. It was an interesting start of the day as I am sure the Hillwalking club could tell that Sami and I were foreigners from the get-go. If it wasn’t our accents that tipped them off, it would have been the fact that Sami and I both showed our “vast” experience in buying train tickets from the machine. We barely had a clue of how to purchase our tickets that we asked one of the guys ahead of us in the line if he could help show us what to do. Once ticket was in hand we set off to go through one of the gates; both of us went to ones that weren’t working for our direction. Eventually we figured it out though and life was good, we were on the train heading to a quaint little village called Brockenhurst.
I was really excited to explore outside of Southampton, let alone be able to go ‘hillwalking’ which is the British term for our ‘hiking’. Brockenhurst is located within the New Forest, which is according to is “Europe’s largest surviving area of ancient pasture woodland”- impressive. It was quite a short train ride from Southampton to Brockenhurst, and soon Sami, myself, and roughly 50 other students interested in hillwalking trodden down a dirt path with pastures on either side of us. The morning coldness soon warmed up enough where jackets were optional. Inside the forest, wild horses galloped majestically in front of us. It was quite the sight, seeing these creatures in a forest instead of being fenced within a farm. 
Rob and Sami getting ready for our hillwalking adventure!

During lunch we talked amongst ourselves when suddenly one of the girls made a loud yelp of surprise, finding one of the ‘wild’ pigs taking interest in her water tube that was part of her backpack. A group of us jumped to our feet trying to protect our sandwiches and snacks. The pigs managed to find any bread crusts or apple cores that were tossed into the brush. It was attack of the pigs! Trying to shoo them away was somewhat easy, as they were very skittish, but curiosity resulted in their many attempts of looking into the contents of our lunch sacks. 

After the second half of the hillwalking group joined us and were able to enjoy their lunches too, we set off again to complete our eight mile journey. I would have to say this trip was more like a scenic walk rather than a hike, as the elevation remained for the most part the same. It was lovely though to get back to nature. I didn’t realize how much I have missed it. Back in Sammamish, I have a state park joined up to my backyard where sightings of owls and bobcats are not that uncommon. Though I wouldn’t necessarily venture out there all the time – mosquitos often kept me away during the summer – it has always been part of the scenery that surround me every day.  

Back in town we went to a pub called, The Rose and Crown. It was pleasant with gazebos lining the back of the beer garden and a decent garden around the border. After a while we dispersed little by little back towards the train station. For my first weekend during school, it was a rather enjoyable way to spend my Saturday. 

Friday, October 7, 2011

Bus Drivers

October 7th

There is something peculiar about the bus drivers of the two story buses here. Today was particularly bad, as I sat in the front of the bus on the second story. The bus’s motion made me feel like I was on the R/V Thompson on a rough day at sea. I saw students crossing the street on the cross walk leaping out of the way as the bus honked and sped past them through a red light. If they hadn't gotten out of the way they would have been hit! Wanting to get some groceries done I headed down the stairs to get off. I guess the bus did not stop quite yet and once I was down the stairs I was thrown into some poor 12 year old boy who was nearby. I said sorry multiple times as I tried to regain footing with not too much success as I was being tossed about.  I don’t know what it is about the bus drivers here… but man they drive crazy!

Monday, October 3, 2011

First Day of School!

October 3rd

I began my day with an 8am run at Riverside Park with my flat mate named, Iris. I showed her my recent discovery (the park) and it was absolutely gorgeous. The morning sunlight shafted through the fog and leaves, giving a picture perfect scene worthy of becoming a desktop background. Once we got to the stone arched bridge, I suggested that we go across because I figured out a road we could take to loop back. Once we got to the road, I realized that it wasn’t the road I thought it was before, but I needed it to be there so I could go early to my first class. After making such an unpleasant discovery, I asked Iris if we could run faster on the way back. Turns out that it has been a while since she ran and she needed a 5 minute break, (poor thing, I wished I had known that before dragging her out on a long run) and told me that I should head back without her since she doesn’t have a class until the afternoon and she knows the way back. I felt guilty in leaving her, but I had only about thirty minutes to get back and ready for school. Booking it back, I got a great run in, with the motivation of possibly being late for my first class if I took a later bus. Bounding up the stairs to the fourth floor in D Block, I entered my flat ready to take advantage of the shower. I got to the bathroom door and once again that blasted little slot by the handle was red; occupied. Well the shower can't fool me this time, I tried the handle. Locked. Drat, I ended up having to wait once more for a shower after my run, but this time it was an actual person using the shower before me. Wasting no time, I grabbed my honey on toast and began munching on it. Before I finished, Emily came out with her shampoo and body wash in her arms. We talked waiting for the shower. After a while it was available, I had to use a bit of assertiveness and let Emily know I was waiting for the shower and that I had class in less than two hours (though the bus ride takes 40 minutes to get to the NOC).
Arriving to my first class of the day, I was glad that I came 30 minutes early because the class was moved to the sports hall for the next few days. When students filed into the classroom… or might as well say gym, I initially took a seat in the first row from habit. After a few minutes, I realized absolutely no one sits in the first row and most were in the back. I ended up joining a few in the second row so I could try and make some acquaintances- at the moment no such luck. It was kind of difficult following the class today as the ventilation system was going and you could hear the trucks backing up right outside of the sports hall, masking most of what the teacher was saying. We powered through the two hour lecture without a break and I was getting a bit lightheaded from not drinking enough water after the morning run.
During my two hour break, I headed up to the library where I bumped into Rob, a fourth year, who was able to give some pointers of how to navigate ‘blackboard’ so I can access my timetable. Famished I got lunch at the cafeteria, and decided to eat alone in the sunlight window area. Ashley, Matt, and Zack pleasantly surprised me, so I didn’t have to eat by myself anymore. 
Favorite area in the cafeteria

Ashley and Sami- my partners in crime from UW

Around 3 pm (or 1500) Sami, Ashley, and I went to our Coastal and Estuarine Oceanography 1 class. It was packed with students, that some I guess didn’t even have seats. I was a bit tired as this was my second two hour lecture that I had to sit through today. Though on the plus side, it is taught by our tutor, Alan Kemp, who seems really nice. Forty-five minutes into lecture the fire alarm went off! Alan ended up dismissing class for the day, so I got out an hour and fifteen minutes early, score!!! Ashley and Zack rode off on bikes back to Zack’s place to get ready for the yoga session later tonight; so Sami and I went to the city center and got some milkshakes for this unusually warm October day. In fact, on the first of October this year, we experienced the hottest October day in England’s history!!!! On my search for the bus stop for our way home, I got lost, and then nearly hit by a car (again) as I once more forgot to look ‘right’ first before crossing the street. Let’s just say in this country, Darwin’s ‘survival of the fittest’ is not in my favor… I am adapted to Seattle, though similar weather wise to Southampton, the direction of the cars are completely different. 
 Survived crossing the road! For my reward, I caught a bus

I made it back in time to get changed for yoga and grab a bus that could get me to the front of The Stag’s Pub where we were meeting. I helped the yoga instructors with getting the yoga mats and good thing too, because when we got back there were easily 30 or so people but since I helped I was able to secure a mat for myself. Yoga outside was lovely, candles were lit, incense was burning, and a really loud rock band in Stags could be heard clearly from where we were. Some of the drum solos actually were rather appropriate for what we were doing, but once the vocals were on it was a really ironic situation. A hard rock melody began right when we started our peace and balance poses.
I am not so sure if I will pursue windsurfing at this point since it is 40 pounds and I don’t really want my hands to turn blue and purple once winter weather comes around, though I wish I could. I might actually take up yoga this year though, with the idea in mind that it might help me relax and adjust better in this country.  

Running at Riverside Park

October 2nd
I have no idea why it took me a week to discover this gorgeous place called Riverside Park. The park itself is by the river and is just charming with football fields and deciduous trees lining the paths. There even is a really cool playground for kids (or myself when I find some friends who feel so inclined as to join me)!!! Up towards the edge of the park, there is a bridge that is dated back to 1926, I believe, and is absolutely fabulous as it has stone arches that kiss the water making a circle or oval when seeing it with its reflection. Curiosity got the best of me as I explored both sides of the bridge doing laps through the streets trying to find a harbor or dock that I could go to- no such luck. Though I did discover a public restroom, or toilette they call it here… make sense; only to discover that like Munich, the public toilet costs 50 pence. Swans gathered around the dock by the parks edge. I never have really seen any swans in Washington before, with the exception of the two swans in my cousin’s former neighborhood pond in Bainbridge Island. It really adds charm here in Europe to see those graceful birds in the water… though I would hate to have one angry at me- they are huge!!!!
Once I was back from my run, I noticed that the shower was occupied by the red indicator by the door handle. Dripping, I waited patiently (or as patient as I could), with the slight panic of having only an hour to get ready for an international students get together at 2pm where I get to meet an assigned ‘buddy’ -Southampton student- to answer any questions and get to know them. At 1:20pm I finally knocked lightly on the door, but I was confused as to if there was a response or not. By 1:50pm I asked two of my flat mates if they knew who was in the shower/bathroom, and if they think the person is alright. They walked over to the door with me, and one of them had the brilliant idea to try the handle. It opened. No one was there that whole time. Note: Running tends to make me a bit scattered brained, but this definitely made me feel smart as I was running late for a meeting when I was waiting for an available shower to become available. All I could do was laugh, hurry up and get my shower. Rushing out of the dorm, I bumped into Sami on the stairs, so I asked if she would like to join. We got there not too late, and I caught glimpse of my “buddy’s” name tag when I first entered, though by the time I got my own name tag on, he was out of sight. I ended up talking in French with a group of Parisian students who didn’t have their own buddies show up, so it wasn’t a lost effort in going there.  
This week I have managed to survive off of a loaf of bread, honey, red currant jelly, tea biscuits, tea, broccoli, and occasionally a spinach salad. People invite me to BBQs so it isn’t too bad, though I really need to step it up a notch in my culinary attempts… because no matter how good those things are for breakfast, they get boring by dinner.

Windsurfing in England?

October 1st

I never would have thought of trying windsurfing, but somehow I found myself on the sandy shores of Pool Bay early Saturday morning. Clad in a smelly wetsuit I entered the water, trying to figure out how to stand on my board without falling. Laughing each time I expertly fell off, mimicking an action hero’s fall during an explosion with arms flailing, my hair in wet salty tendrils, and a huge smile on my face. After many attempts of just standing on the board I got the hang of it! Next skill I needed to conquer though was turning the board around, since I kept going away from the group mostly towards the direction of the sea. Turning around on the board requires you to actually move your body around the sail while holding the mast and with a more advance board like I accidentally ended up with (which was slightly narrower) falling off was much more likely to happen. Despite how decent I got at turning around on the board, I continued to go a different direction than where I intended to go. Eventually one of the club members told me that I should just mount the sail on my board, lay on my stomach and start paddling towards the shallower water. I was amazed at how efficient that method was, though I am still trying to understand exactly how to turn on the board to get me pointed in a direction that I actually want to go to; I figure there will be plenty of time to get the knack of it in the future. I was able to meet a few international students, and practice my French with the ones from Paris! It was a spectacular trip, and I would love to continue with it, though I am trying to figure out how often I would go once the water is cooler and my poor circulation kicks in. 

Later in the evening I went to the V Block in Monty (residence halls) for a BBQ. Quite amused I watched as roughly 7 guys stood around the grill with coal and lighter fluid, trying to figure out how to get the coals hot enough. One of my friends remarked something along the lines of ‘we can light a trash bin easily, but we can’t seem to light a grill’. After it was getting dark and the lighter fluid wasn’t doing the trick with the grill, we moved our BBQ indoors and used the ovens in two kitchens. Luckily that worked out just swell! Around 10pm most of the people went to get ready for the freshers event, Wonderland Ball; where many of them were very creative in their costumes, complete with face paint and clothes that were probably purchased at a costume shop. 

As they took off, I stayed with 3 other guys to watch the finale of Doctor Who. I was really psyched about watching it as I really have been missing the show (I usually get too scared to watch it when by myself, so I have always watched it with friends… might as well out myself now of being a Doctor Who nerd- My family has one of the seasons on DVD, and I even started a Doctor Who club with my friend back in Seattle for our dorm which I named, ‘The Exclusive Society of the Blue Box’. Before I left, my brother made me a 3D paper cut out of the Tardis, though sadly I had to leave it behind. Well that is enough of that, back to Saturday night). I discovered that one of my new friends even has a toy sonic screwdriver, the new and improved Matt Smith edition of the sonic screwdriver!!!! It is so cool!!!!! The best part about watching it too was knowing that my friends back home have to wait at least 6 hours later to view it on BBC or whatever channel we have back home.
Once the show was over, we went up a few floors and played darts while talking about theories, current scientific findings, and physics. I must say it has been one of my favorite days that I have had so far!! I ended up winning the game of darts out of the four of us, and headed back home around 3 am. 
Joel got a bullseye!